Student Life - Charleston Woodworking School, Traditional Techniques
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Student Life

At the Charleston Woodworking School, we welcome students from all ages and backgrounds, including many who use our intensive, practical furniture making course as an opportunity to develop a new career. At the completion of the course, students will be better equipped to set up their own projects, and to begin additional courses with the eventual goal of setting up their own furniture business. Student enrollment at the Charleston Woodworking School is limited to provide a intimate learning community.

Charleston 3The course load at Charleston Woodworking School is intensive, yet self-paced, and our students are expected to work and study hard. But, there are many opportunities to have a lot of fun while exploring the American South.

The Charleston Woodworking School is located in beautiful and historic Charleston, South Carolina…an ideal location. Charleston is rich in history, culture, hundreds of exciting restaurants and entertainment, and easily reached by air, automobile or rail.